Shaista Lodhi (previously Wahidi) has gained immense popularity in the past few years because she has been hosting Morning Shows on the top channels on regular basis. When someone gets so popular, it is very natural that people feel like they have a right to know about their private lives too. When the news of Shaista’s divorce made the headlines a year or so back people wanted her to share the news with her fans but on the other hand she retaliated in her show by saying that her personal life was no one’s business and that people were making things very difficult for her because of these “rumors”.
Shaista has finally decided to come out in the open and admit that she really is divorced now. She also acknowledges that it was her own choice and not her husband’s. The main reason she gives for hr divorce is that there was nothing left in that relationship. She shared with the audience that she believes in compromise but when there is nothing left in a relationship then it is better to end it. She also said that people were constantly judging her saying things like she couldn’t keep her own marriage intact but was giving other’s advice, which felt bad because people don’t understand the complication related to divorce.
Shaista told her viewers that she was married for 13 years and those years were very good years of her life. She also said that women in her family are very conservative so this was not an easy step for her. Her family did not support her when she wanted to get the divorce. She says that she never used to share the problems she had in her marriage with her parents like all girls do so they didn’t understand when she took the divorce.
Shaista also said that she does not regret taking divorce but she regrets that she had too many expectations from people in her life which probably means her husband because people always let you down. Shaista says that she is closer to Allah now after her divorce because he is the only one who helps people in need.
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