Runner up of Pakistan Idol Muhammad Shoaib belongs to famous and populated area of Peshawar & Qisa Khwani
Muhammad Shoaib said, & I have my own singing style, I never tried to copy anyone. I have decided that I will never copy any one and do singing in my own way. I am singing since my childhood, media promotes me and people like me very much. We can not promote any talent with out media promotion he added Muhammad Shoaib said, I don't have any teacher in music. My grand father was a foot ball player, we used to celebrate his victory with music . Pakistan has a lot of talent, there is no lack of talent in Pakistan. But we don’t have any proper plat form. We should encourage new talent and promote them. We should give them opportunities to make their place he added.

You will soon listen my song with Hadiqa Kiani and I hope you will like it. Ali Azmat is a real pop star with a magical voice. Only 6 contestants wee selected from KPK and I was the only one who reached in finale& he added.
Muhammad Shoaib said, I was so nervous in Piano round. I was in top 12 and I decided to fight for the finals. I will surely participate in any program organized by Peshawar press club. I missed my people and my KPK during the Pakistan Idol. I have many offers but I have not decided any thing, I will sing in Hindku,Urdu and Pashto. I am so much impresses from Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan. I love his songs. He is my ideal. I have started my journey with NAAT and recorded 4 Naats up till now.
I will soon perform in India. I am so blessed that people love me so much. I can never forget the moments when I reached Peshawar air port. People welcomed me with love and zeal. Peshawar press club also welcomed me with love. Judges were awesome and they do justice Muhammad Shoaib added.
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