KABUL: American authorities have released 10 Pakistani detainees from Bagram Prison in Afghanistan, foreign media reported on Thursday.
The released prisoners had spent years in prison without trial as one amongst them held for 10 years after being captured by British forces in Iraq and subsequently shifted t0 Afghanistan, legal charity Reprieve said.
However, the place, where the released Pakistani detainees were taken, has not mentioned in the reports, however, Red Cross’s International Committee apprised their families regarding their release, Justice Project Pakistan (JPP) said.
It should be mentioned that the prisoners’ release takes place after Pakistan’s PM Nawaz Sharif’s special directions given to the Ministry of Interior for making necessary arrangements for their nationals present in US administered Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp.
It is still undisclosed whether the recently released detainees belong to the Cuba’s Guantanamo Bay prison or not.
Earlier on December 2013, six prisoners were taken to Pakistan secretly but all were disallowed to communicate for weeks.
Foreign prisoners at Bagram, face review boards staffed by U.S. military officers but are not allowed to know all evidence against them or be represented by a lawyer of their choice, Reuters reported.
The military boards evaluate the evidence and whether the detainees might pose a future threat to US forces.
JPP lawyer Sarah Belal claimed that dozens of men remain in the prison under US custody. She added that Pakistani government officials needed to tell lawyers and families about releases to avoid putting the men at risk of torture.
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