The relationship between the bahu and her mother in law have always been a hot topic of our dramas and discussions. Fahad Mustafa has been doing special shows focusing on this intricate relationship. He has been trying to find out the reason behind this relationship not working out most often.
In this video a caller Aalia who has been married for 15 years told Fahad Mustafa that she was very young when she got married. Her mother in law was paralyzed so she had to look after her and the house. It was a big responsibility. For ten years she lives with her in laws without her husband who was working in a different city. She said that she decided that there were two ways of doing this, one was that she could make her life miserable thinking that she had all this responsibility. Other was that she could do it happily. She decided to take up her responsibilities happily which resulted in a good married life.
She said that all bahus should treat their mother in laws as their own mothers. They should also not forget that they have to grow old one day too.
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