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Pakistan Ramadan host and Express Network Group President Aamir Liaquat has one again humiliated a young guest during live transmission. A video clip from his show has gone viral on internet where he selects a guy from the audience and shoves mangoes in his mouth in a disgusting way while saying “Khao aam khao aam”.
Last year, notorious Amir Liaquat invited an equally notorious Taher Shah to his Ramazan show, and well, had quite a bit of fun at Taher Shah’s expense on live television. It is high time for Liaquat to understand that doing such disgraceful stuff on a show may earn him TRPs but it will badly damage his image in the public eye. He should know that limits shouldn’t be crossed while trying to be funny. Moreover, he shouldn’t forget that it was a Ramadan transmission and the focus should be on the religious content than nonsense.
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