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Fawad Khan is very open about his weaknesses as well strengths, he has always made it very clear that he is not high maintenance and he also finds it very difficult to dance. In his recent interview with Dawn News, he said “I am considering hiring a dance tutor to help me get over my two left feet. Right now, I don’t think I’d be able to pull off an all-out item number with class. It’s not something that makes me feel insecure about my future — I believe that every actor has his or her own weak points and strong points.”
He also talked about the things that Badar Khalil said about him in her interview with Dawn News, he said, “People tend to fabricate stories and I can only assume that perhaps Badar Khalil heard something wrong about me and believed it to be true. I wish she had discussed her problems with me rather than declare them to the public. I am extremely respectful of our senior actors and I think she took offence due to some misunderstanding,”
When asked that did he have a stylist for himself only on the set, he said, “No, even my current haircut was done on set. My hair was getting untidy so some guy I didn’t know was called in and he just cut my hair,” Fawad laughs. “I am not finicky at all regarding my appearance. If tomorrow I decide to take on a personal stylist it will only be because I need to maintain a certain appearance for a role.”
He also said that he can try to stay out of controversies all he wants but there will always be people who will always talk about him behind his back. He said, “I could go hoarse clarifying myself but there will always be people who spread rumors and want to believe the worst about you. I once heard that I had allegedly fallen out with Momina Duraid and walked out of her upcoming serial Bin Roye Aansu. In actuality, Momina and I remain cordial and I couldn’t sign up for the project because I wasn’t feeling well.”
It was also stated in the interview that the last month was very tough for Fawad Khan because his diabetic condition got worse. He said, “With time, I am learning how to balance my workload with my condition but I certainly can’t take on as much work as other actors probably can.”
“I am currently contemplating a new externally administered insulin-pumping therapy with my endocrinologist. I like to discuss my condition publicly because if I, with this disability, am able to fulfill some of my ambitions, so can other diabetics.” said Fawad Khan.
Fawad Khan said that he will be working in Pakistani movies in the future. He is currently involved in working in three Pakistani movies but he cannot share the details right now.
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