Director South Asian Strategic Stability Unit.
Born: N/A
Profession: Defense Analyst
Affiliation(s): South Asian Strategic Stability Unit.
Citizenship: United Kingdom
Profile Maria Sultan, Director General of the South Asian Strategic Stability Insititue (SASSI) was formerly the deputy director of South Asian Strategic Stability Unit at the Bradford Disarmament Research Centre. She was formerly a Research Fellow at the Institute of Strategic Studies (ISSI) in Islamabad. ISSI is an independent think tank working as the research and development section of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan. Ms. Sultan is a specialist in South Asian nuclear arms control issues, disarmament, and weapon systems development and has published widely in academic journals and the South Asian media. She has also worked as the Research Assistant in the Department of Peace Studies with Dr. Shaun Gregory on the nuclear command and control issues in South Asia. Before joining ISS as a researcher Maria was a journalist working as an assistant editor in the influential English daily The Muslim. Her media work has also included time as an anchor person in both TV and radio current affairs programmes. She is also a contributor to different national and international dailies and research journals. Maria has already published extensively in academic journals. She is on the list of visiting faculty member/speaker at Pakistan’s National Defense University, Pakistan Foreign Service Academy, Pakistan Naval War College and is a guest lecturer at the Department of Defence and Strategic Studies, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad and the Department of International Relations, University of Peshawar and Command And Staff College Quetta. Maria is also registered with the Department of Peace Studies at the University of Bradford for her PhD on 'Pakistan's nuclear arms control policy process’
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