Nauman Ijaz’s show Mazaq Raat on Duniya TV took a very serious turn when one of the guests who was invited to the show could not control her true feelings and emotions about the state of affairs in the country. Saba Hameed who is very well known as an actress lashed out at all the politicians because of their mishandling of not one aspect in the country but many.
Saba Hameed could not control her tears when she described how badly the country was being run by the politicians. Saba Hameed said that the recent petroleum crisis was governance at its worse. She blamed not one political party but all. She said that if government was not doing its job then the opposition was equally wrong too. Saba Hameed said already after the Peshawar incident we are living in a state of fear. Parents already are scared to send their children to school and now there isn’t even enough petrol for their children to be in school.
Saba Hameed also said that her outburst was not going to help or effect anyone but she wanted to express her emotions any way because they were beyond her control. Saba Hameed like many Pakistanis is unsure about the future of Pakistan because it is a country in which people at the helm of affairs enjoy all the perks and the common man suffers. These people cannot understand common man’s problem because they have all the luxuries available at their beck and call.
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