This man from Pakistan , who used to live in slums and pick the trash for living and now he is on a scholarship in USA.
Mohammad Sabir's Story is so so Amazing how education changed his whole life and Make's me really think that what our country need is to Improve people's self belief, and KHUDI, Once's you are no longer scared of anyone else, and accept your self how you are, You can really do and change anything in the world.
This man is proud that his Father drive's a Donkey Cart and His Mother Washes Dishes at people's home, and is not afraid to say that he is a CHOOR, Once you are on that state of mind, You can do ANYTHING ELSE you want, KNOWLEDGE will come, Money will come, but KHUDI can only come with good mentoring and good support.
Next time you see someone , Tell them you are doing great and you can do anything you want to do.
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