Mazloom Aurat is a popular theme among our drama producers. Even if drama is not based on this theme, the scene of a slap on the face of wife by her husband is quite common in dramas even if its a story of an educated, cultured, upper class family. Recent example can be the last episode of drama Alvidaa where a highly qualified doctor Haadi (Imran Abbas) slaps his wife Fareesa (Sana Khan) over questioning where he was the last night.
Though oppression against women is a harsh reality in our society, and perhaps ladies in even some educated families face physical violence (like slap on a face), but its not the case that every other household is facing this issue as depicted in dramas.
Our dramas are also aired in neighboring country India, Middle East, South East Asia (Malaysia),Europe and North America with sizable communities of overseas Pakistanis. Anyone following our dramas, might justifiably come under the same impression that domestic violence is quite common in Pakistan even in educated families which off course is not true.
After his long introduction, lets come to actual news bit. Gohar Rasheed who recently is doing many projects has refused to do such scenes for the very same reason. As per a post on his facebook page Gohar has said NO to one such scene in the ongoing drama Khilona (on ARY Digital). Gohar has also mentioned he will not do any such scene in future too. Here is the full post of Gohar Rasheed.
Our drama serials have the largest viewership in Pakistan and around the globe so throw our dramas we represent our values and at the same time inject the new ones in our society for the sake of TRPs (ratings) we have made a self designed formula of showing our women being beaten up by men and make her look miserable I as a part of this fraternity I think it is my responsibility to represent our image in a positive light that we as a nation we respect our women, love them and they are as strong as any man in Pakistan and I have even started applying it in my projects in my current drama serial #KHILONA there was a scene in which I had to slap my wife and I said NO to do so and from here onwards I will not do any scene in my drama serials that includes women violation because that’s not who we are.

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