At 18, with his impeccable looks and the perfectly designed star appeal, Asim Azhar makes the pop world of Pakistan a really exciting place to observe right now. Born to the renowned pianist father, Azhar Hussain – this young kid often referred as the Pakistani ‘Bieber’ started recording music just a couple of years ago. His cover of ‘A Team’ originally sung by Ed Sheeran, made his career skyrocket with Ed himself tweeting words of praise about the song.
Claiming Sajjad Ali, Vital Signs, Mohammad Rafi and Kishore as some of his prime influences, combined with his own signature-pop punch to the songs: he’s as feisty to watch as he is to listen to.
Asim Azhar debuts on Coke Studio, Season 8, whilst translating his passion for what he does so well in a flamboyantly memorable melody that’ll linger long after you’ve heard it.
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