WASHINGTON: If you are a heart attack survivor and anxious to live long, so just start to take a bowl of cereal at breakfast which will help you to live longer, research claims.
US researchers behind the study, published on bmj.com, claims in the report that increase in dietary fiber will help heart attack survivor to live longer life. Those who increase the use of fibre had a 25 per cent lower chance of dying in the nine years after their heart attack compared with those who ate the least, according to a study.
The 10g fiber per day increase intake was associated with a 15 per cent reduced risk of dying over a nine-year follow-up period. They were followed for an average of almost nine years afterwards, during which time 682 of the women and 451 of the men died.
The researchers say heart attack survivors have a higher risk of dying than the general population and are often more motivated to make changes to their lifestyle.
Yet treatment to improve their chances of living longer generally neglects advising a healthier lifestyle in favour of long-term medication, they say.
Fibre works by reducing blood cholesterol, improving blood glucose levels, lowering blood pressure, promoting weight loss and binding to cancer-causing agents, making them more likely to be excreted by the body.
A study from Oxford University found 4,000 premature deaths a year could be prevented by increasing dietary fibre.
Get more fibre, you can make simple swaps such as trading white bread for wholegrain versions or opting for higher fibre breakfast cereals like porridge or muesli.
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